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Art is integral to our society and culture. Aside from having its own development process, features and values, art plays a role as a catalyst in activities of all areas. Therefore, as the driving force among the interdisciplinary courses in the field of education, art brings two benefits: adds value to teaching efficiency of all subjects; and influences students greatly on aesthetic literacy, providing future citizens must-have literacy skills in creativity.



Through international art-centered field trips, teachers experience various forms of beauty; broaden their international perspectives and improve their humanistic quality. Teachers are able to bring international education in line by observing international aesthetic education lessons and communicating with local educators. Collecting mediums from abroad enriches teachers’ teaching ability, and also inspires students’ learning motivations. Through absorbing different experiences, advantages and cultural diversity from all parts of the world while incorporating 12-year Basic Education helps to present a diversified portrait of our education.

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Gathering Vocational High Schools, Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools to participate in the Interdisciplinary Curriculum of Aesthetic Education, including the Art Field: Visual Arts, Music and Performing Arts, and Other Fields: Language Arts, Social Studies, Integrative Activities, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Science and Technology, to share ideas and creativities.


Dedication from foreign and local faculty for the Interdisciplinary Curriculum of Aesthetic Education.

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