Achievements record/activity highlights

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Cross-disciplinary aesthetic creation workshop─Taipei session

On August 7th and 8th, we held the "Cross-Domain Aesthetic Creation Workshop" at Milk Bar in Taipei. On the morning of the 7th, our co-host, Mr. Gao Zhenfeng, kicked off the session by introducing our project and course modules. Later, Associate Professor Chen Mengheng from Tsinghua University introduced aesthetic-related courses and students’ experiences. […]

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108th academic year Pingtung Seed School results presentation conference

On July 17 (Friday), the Pingtung City Seed School Achievements Presentation was held at the Linsen Campus of National Pingtung University. The day included project co-host Professor Gao Zhenfeng, teacher training committee members Professor Wu Hongyi, Zhang Jiwenjiao, Professor Zhu Shuxuan, and Associate Professor Deng Zongsheng. Attendance together, gathering 13 seed schools in Pingtung County to present courses […]

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Kaohsiung Seed School Results Presentation for the 108th Academic Year

On July 16 (Thursday), a Kaohsiung City Seed School Achievements Presentation was held at Yangming Elementary School in Kaohsiung City. On the day, there were teachers from the Education Department of the Kaohsiung City Government, Teacher Wang Xinyun, project hosts Professor Zhao Huiling, Professor Gao Zhenfeng, teacher training committee members Professor Wu Yuzhen, and Cai Peigui. Associate professors attended together, gathering 13 institutes in Kaohsiung City, seed […]

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Hometown to the International: World Music Café─Taitung High School Interdisciplinary Aesthetics Course

Taitung High School's interdisciplinary aesthetic education course: "Hometown to the International - World Music Cafe" On July 3 (Friday), Taitung National Senior High School held a presentation conference on the results of the interdisciplinary aesthetic education course "Hometown to the International - World Music Cafe". Invite Professor Guo Meimei, Professor Chen Jinzhong of Taitung University, and Wang Yin School of Taitung Girls’ High School […]

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Penghu Teacher Empowerment Workshop─Technology and Art

On July 3rd (Friday), we co-organized the Penghu Energy Enhancement Workshop with Professor Zhong Yihui from the National Penghu University of Science and Technology, and invited Professor Chen Jianliang from the Penghu University of Science and Technology to talk about the intersection of technology and art. Professor Chen started from the history of science and mentioned recent popular technologies, such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, and autonomous driving. […]

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Penghu County Seed School Results Presentation Conference for the 108th Academic Year

On July 2 (Thursday), the Penghu County Seed School Achievements Presentation was held at Wenguang Elementary School in Penghu County. The day included Li Jinglan, Section Chief of the Education Department of Penghu County Government, project co-host Professor Huang Chunmin, co-hosts Professor Chen Chundi and Li Qichang Professor, Professor Zhong Yihui from the partner university National Penghu University of Science and Technology appeared together […]

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Literacy courses and issue integration workshops

The National Taiwan Sports University held a cross-disciplinary aesthetic workshop on June 14, which was divided into morning and afternoon sessions. In the afternoon session, teacher Lin Meihong from Changhua County Beidou Junior High School was invited to share the practical experience of performing arts courses with the theme of "Literacy Curriculum and Integration of Issues". Activities organized by Outdoor Education and Reading Literacy […]

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Art Eyes to See the World Workshop

The National Taiwan Sports University held a cross-disciplinary aesthetic workshop on June 14, which was divided into morning and afternoon sessions. In the morning session, teacher Zhang Chenxin from Hsinchu Municipal Qingshan National Elementary School was invited to give a lecture on the theme of "Seeing the World through Artistic Eyes". The main activities were divided into There are three major links. In the first part, teacher Zhang Chenxin used "Wang Landian's Chicken" […]

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