Achievements record/activity highlights

S 64102494


6月19日下午於花蓮稻香國小辦理了花蓮標竿暨種子學校課程成果發表會,由計畫協同主持人高震峰教授主持,花蓮縣府鍾凱蘋輔導員、東華大學徐秀菊院長、林永利教授共同蒞臨指導,在炎熱的夏季午後,展開一連串的跨域 […]

60053 3


跨領域美感教育卓越領航計畫於5月19日在國立臺中教育大學舉辦中彰投區種子學校成果發表會,主持人莊敏仁老師與師培委員李靜芳老師、羅雅柔老師、林佳慧老師等皆出席參加。 上午場先由種子學校小學組分享,潭陽國 […]

S 165240854

The Ministry of Education's 110th Academic Year Cross-Domain Aesthetic Outstanding School Award Ceremony

The Ministry of Education's cross-field aesthetic education excellence pilot program conducts the selection of outstanding schools for the 110th academic year. The courses of 161 cooperative schools across Taiwan went through rigorous three stages of preliminary review, re-examination and final review. In the end, 35 schools from 19 counties and cities won the award. A grand ceremony was held today (21st) at the auditorium of National Taiwan Normal University […]

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