Cross-field treasure chest

A tentative cross-field aesthetic course on art and humanities teaching materials for primary school teacher training

Professor Wu Hongyi, Department of Music, National Pingtung University

1. Preface

"Aesthetic literacy" is one of the core competencies of citizens pursued by progressive national education. In addition, it can be found from various industries that once "aesthetic literacy" exceeds "function", it directly increases the price and output value of the product, and then from It can be found from the experience of human life that "beautiful things" are more admired by everyone, and "beautiful appearance" is easier to attract more performance opportunities. This shows that the power of beauty cannot be ignored. The Ministry of Education has promoted the "Medium and Long-term Plan for Aesthetic Education" since 2014, aiming to emphasize the implementation of "aesthetic education" to enhance the "beauty power" of the people. In the face of the future development of artificial intelligence, technology will be replaced, art will be more expensive, and the national aesthetic quality will become one of the indicators of national strength. Art education deserves careful consideration from all walks of life on how to implement and cultivate the nation's "aesthetic literacy."

For many years, primary school teachers have been cultivating "arts and humanities textbooks and teaching methods". The subject has always been valued, but the essence has been ignored. This is because students in general departments are expected to acquire the concepts and abilities of integrating art in the limited teaching time, so that they can pursue their careers in the future. Teaching in the arts and humanities is no easy task. This year, with the assistance of the cross-field aesthetic project, I asked myself to be a co-teacher and tried to make a breakthrough. I started with "Aesthetic Experience & Aesthetic Amazing" and then tried cross-field implementation. In the process, both teachers and students were extremely happy.


2. Course objectives and design concepts

"Arts and humanities teaching materials and teaching methods" include the three fields of music, visual, and performing arts. Based on the basic artistic abilities of teachers and teacher trainees in each teacher training university, in the past, more emphasis was placed on cultivating these future teachers to integrate the art fields. Various knowledge and abilities are supplemented by various teaching methods to engage in art teaching in different subjects.

This year, with the assistance of the cross-field beauty project, the course implementation first guides students to truly experience beauty, and then introduces cross-field concepts, encouraging teacher trainees to use their existing subject expertise, combine artistic concepts and elements, and try cross-field Experience and application of art teaching activities.


Participation, implementation process and results

Due to the limitation that the school's "Arts and Humanities Textbook Teaching Methods" schedule for the second semester of the 106 academic year only has nine weeks to implement, and because the teacher trainees come from different departments, it is not easy to arrange extra time for teaching together, so we adopt the principle of using During the course period that has been arranged in the school schedule, relevant practical and experiential activities are added to form a series of workshops, allowing students to freely attend courses and attend at least two-thirds of the courses and activities, and then encourage groups to jointly create courses and implement experiments teaching. Courses and activities include six categories: theory, experience, practice, sharing, course design, and experimental teaching:

1. Theory

Introducing and discussing "Basic concepts of art education", "Basic concepts of curriculum design", "Concepts of field implementation attempts", "Discussion on various music teaching methods", "Twelve-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline in the Arts and Humanities Field".

2. Implementation

Through activities such as "participating in designated thematic lectures", "participating in selected concerts", and "discussing artistic themes and concepts with students from different departments", students will be able to personally participate in thematic lectures, attend live music performances, and Discuss relevant art issues with peers (free chat mode). For example: "Exploration of Transnational Music Beauty (Special Topic: Introduction to Japanese Music Education)", "Real Experience of Beauty (Appreciation and Sharing of Lin Zishan's Violin Recital)" and "Sharing of Theory and Experience of Cross-Field Beauty Courses (Discussion on Design of Model Cross-Field Beauty Courses)" , experience report)".

3. Experience

Guide students to live a real life through activities and avoid habitually "turning a blind eye" to living in a fixed living environment. Including participating in "exploring the beautiful scenery of the campus at different times in the morning, noon and evening", "becoming aware of the beautiful things in the living environment", "freely imagining the different realms of sound, light and shadow", and "experience of interpersonal beauty".

4. Share

"Share the experience of various experience activities in real words or spoken words." Sharing is one of the best ways to learn. An individual can first feel something about anyone and anything, and then share it with others by "speaking it" or "writing it" or even "conveying it in any way". This also means that the individual himself "really I understand." During the implementation process, special emphasis is placed on voluntary sharing rather than handing in an assignment. Some students are good at describing in words, while some are brave enough to express themselves in spoken words, which is very exciting. In addition to the impromptu oral sharing at the event, a total of 13 text sharings were produced. Due to space limitations, only the following seven excerpts are presented:

(1) "A Different Morning" Teacher Training Student Yinyan Hanzong

"…I get out of bed with the same bang-dong-dong; I wash my hands with the same rinse; I go straight on the embankment road with the same number of seconds, waiting for the red light. My journey to work, on every working day morning, for example Expand freely.

Just like every day, I turned a corner and climbed onto the Gaoping Bridge. The hourly news on the radio was about to be broadcast. But, it’s not the same in front of me, no, it’s very different! Dawu Mountain is often covered in dust, but today, its beauty is fully exposed.

So beautiful, Dawu Mountain is so beautiful today. The clear mountain line depicts the majestic mountain shape; the lush green mountain color is fully visible. The stretching mountains on both sides are like outstretched arms. As the car approaches, it feels like you are surrounded by the mountains. Dawu Mountain stands in front of you, as if you can reach it with your hands, so close that it is incredible and so close that it warms your heart.

I knew in my heart that we were still quite far away from the real foot of the mountain, but the huge and magnificent scenery still gave me the illusion that I was in the mountains. The car was moving and I was still on my way to work. In the morning, things were different! ⋯"

(2) "Sharing of Aesthetic Experience" Teacher Trainee Yinyan Yingting

"⋯ Since I commute between Pingtung and Hsinchu every day, I am sitting on a long bench waiting for the bus to arrive, but unexpectedly I find that there is a pleasant atmosphere hidden in this small and inconspicuous Zhudong Bus Terminal. Yu There is a big tree covered with pink leaves at the gate. In the dusk afternoon, with the slight cool breeze, it looks like a ballet dancer dancing to the music, attracting my attention. Various shapes are placed in the waiting area. On the driftwood, there are several pots of small red flowers, yellow flowers and cute little dolls placed on the trunk; on the other wall, there is a sandalwood grandfather clock and a retro birdcage, which looks full of antiquity. The ticking of the pendulum is accompanied by the crisp singing of birds. , like a duet, adds a little fun to the ears, and it has given me great spiritual and spiritual satisfaction recently. "

(3) "Beautiful Life Attitude" Teacher Trainee Yinyan Yingting

"… What she was holding in her hands were earthenware plates, earthenware bowls and wooden chopsticks. The school meal time is only half an hour, and the dishes only include three dishes and one soup. For most teachers (including me), it is just a matter of filling their stomachs quickly. She was resting and preparing for the afternoon class, but I saw her placing the dishes one by one on the earthenware plate, and putting the rice in the earthenware bowl, and eating them slowly with chopsticks.
At that time, I just thought her plate was so simple, her movements so elegant, and she had an indescribable sense of stability. Later, I realized that it was an attitude toward living a good life, and it was also a display of beauty.
I have long forgotten the taste of the lunches I had in those years, and I don’t know where the lunch boxes distributed by the government have gone, but I will always remember a teacher who enjoyed half an hour’s lunch time very deliciously with pleasing pottery..."

(4) "Discovering the beauty in life" Ting Yu, a teacher trainee

“⋯For me, the beauty of life is the ability to derive all the beautiful feelings about people, things, and things from my heart, and through the surrounding situations in life, it can generate deeper awareness and richer creations in the soul.

In my life, I especially like to collect shoes. Every time I open the shoe cabinet, I will be amazed by the different styles of shoes in the shoe cabinet. When I am in a low mood, he is my soul catcher; it can also be said that I have no end. desire. The change of seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, wearing different clothes and shoes every day can make me feel energetic and energetic throughout the day.

In my shoe cabinet, there is a pair of shoes that I particularly love. It is a pair of embroidered mid-boots. The background color is dark blue with retro embroidered grass on it. The color combination is so beautiful and moving. It is a very fine embroidered shoe with fashionable and noble features. The bottom is rubber and the outer toe is Designed with a zipper, the embroidery designs on the left and right feet of both pairs are the same. This pair is quite stable when walking and has just the right height. Although I hate to wear it, it inspires me to create.

I created it into a beautiful vase with beautiful flowers and plants inside, and placed it on the cabinet as an aesthetically pleasing design. It can not only bring out the liveliness and beauty of the flowers, but also create another taste of life⋯ "

(5) "Experience of Beauty" Teacher Trainee Yinyan Shuhui

“⋯⋯The sense of beauty is ubiquitous and can be extended to families and society, and everyone can embody the sense of beauty in daily life, so that the body, mind and soul can achieve happiness and beauty. ⋯When I was cleaning my home a few years ago, I accidentally discovered the "Jiao Ke"─ ─Bead-necked turtle dove, that charming guest set up camp on the balcony of my residence at some unknown time.

At that time, I was worried that feces may bring germs, and the air-conditioning compressor next to the balcony may not operate smoothly, or even make noise that disturbs the guests, etc. All of these may endanger each other's lives. A few days later, I planned to dismantle Jiao Ke's camp while he was away, but when I opened the window, I saw a bright white bird egg inside. I was shocked for a while and didn't know what to do. At this time, I calmed down. Take a closer look at this natural "architectural structure". This nest is only made of slender branches. The branches look very elastic, and the bottom of the branches is a solid chassis made of unknown objects... Look closely at its neck. The beautiful pattern and small white dots are like a popular silk scarf, embellishing the elegance of the whole body. It also seems to have fallen in love with this secret base and has become my indispensable "roommate". I am looking forward to it more and more. Its baby meet.

In the past few days, Jiao Ke was not at home, so I opened the window to check again, and surprisingly found that there were two more eggs in the camp. Looking at it, I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness. It turns out how incredible this nature is! Experiencing the daily life of nature turns out to be so wonderful! ⋯”

(6) "Discover Beauty" teacher trainee Junhan

"...Daily life is full of beauty. The famous sculptor Rodin once said: "Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery." Rodin believed that only those who are willing and know how to appreciate can discover beauty and be happy. of. I agree with Rodin's remarks and hope that I can become a part of it and discover the beauty in this world together.

Have you ever been so beautiful that you dare not breathe, and you are so afraid that a small movement will make the beauty in front of you disappear? Or maybe after experiencing a beautiful scene, you hope to do everything you can to record it and savor the moment? I have experienced this before. Although I must spend this moment every day in the eyes of others, in these moments, it is still so beautiful that I can't take my eyes away, and I can't help but feel that no matter how many troubles I have, I can disappear with it. Although as I grow older, I have seen more and more scenery, but that scenery is always engraved in my mind and cannot be forgotten for a long time...

Whenever I see the sunset, it always makes me slow down my busy pace and my constantly spinning brain, so that I can let go of these triumphs or dissatisfactions, and truly let my body and mind be bathed in such dazzling but harmless brilliance. , draw new energy from it, and continue to fight... I want to say: "Discovering beauty" is a process. Regular practice can increase your sensitivity and make your mind and body healthier..."

(7) "Warmth in the Heart" Teacher Trainee Hui Mei

"⋯One day when I was on my way back to my dormitory after class, I stopped by chance and discovered that there was such a beautiful scenery on campus. The warm light filled the entire sidewalk, which suddenly reminded me of the weak warm lamp in front of my grandma's house. Since I was a child, that warm lamp has been standing beside my grandma’s house. Whenever I want to go home, I will always see the warm light shining in front of my house, which makes me unconsciously associate this warm light with Farewell... But now when I see such a warm light, all I can think of is wanting to go home, with my family waiting... That warm light unknowingly warms my heart on such a night..."


5. Course Design

The cross-field aesthetic teaching design is carried out in a group creative way, "students from different departments jointly design a course", "seek consultation on curriculum design", "focus discussion on new courses", and "discuss on the theory and practice of cross-field aesthetic teaching", in total A total of eight curriculum designs focusing on aesthetics or cross-disciplinary approaches were produced as follows:

(1) Design of the teaching activity of "Art Shooting Together" (teacher training team members: Wang Siqian, Lin Haoxiang, Liu Fangcen, Liu Fengyi)

"Design concept: I hope students can discover and listen to the various sounds in life, cultivate the beauty of music in daily life, and also allow students to express their emotions by playing different instruments and perform a situational drama. I also hope that It can cultivate students to use paintings to express music, train students’ imagination, and let students know how to appreciate different beauties in life.”

(2) Cross-field aesthetic education "Destined to meet thousands of miles away" teaching plan design (teacher training team members: Lin Huishan, Hao Fengyi, Zhuo Tingyu, Li Yuanxiang)

"Design concept:
a. Refer to the article "Qualitative Research on Constructing Aesthetic Education Curriculum Development Model" written by Dr. Li Yating of the Department of Education of Pingtung University. The aesthetic education curriculum model aims to cultivate perception, association, and action. and reflection, this lesson plan follows this PAAR model and strives to promote and practice aesthetic education.
b. Adopt heterogeneous groups, hoping that through the assistance and guidance of high-ability students, the potential of low-ability students can be stimulated, so that each member of the group can improve their learning effectiveness.
c. The scope of materials is mainly based on students’ life experience, and focuses on emotional understanding to inspire students to pursue beautiful feelings. "

(3) "Animal Carnival" teaching design in the field of art and humanities (teacher training team members: Shi Miaojing, Xie Huimei, Lin Junhan, Luo Jingting)

"Design concept: The design of this teaching activity mainly uses the cross-field combination of music and nature, and uses the famous musical Carnival of Animals as the main teaching material. It is intended to guide students to appreciate music while also allowing students to learn more about it. The characteristics and characteristics of different animals can be expressed. At the same time, in order to combine the aesthetic education design, in the final comprehensive activity, students use paper clay to shape the animal shapes represented by each group, and then combine them to piece together a complete animal carnival. The completed work can be placed in the classroom as a decoration and integrated into daily life.”

(4) "Feel the music and dance your youth" teaching design in the field of art and humanities (teacher training team members: Tu Huimin, Jian Zhengyuan, Zhu Huizhen, Weng Tinghuan)

"Design concept: The purpose of aesthetic education is to cultivate students' basic knowledge and literacy of aesthetics, and enhance their awareness, sensitivity, appreciation, creativity and practical ability of beauty. Therefore, this course design mainly focuses on students' "aesthetics" as the core, and music The essence is beauty, and through music appreciation, students are led to listen to and use awareness to feel the expressions of music. With different music melodies, students are guided to generate different imaginary pictures, understand the diversity of the music world, and then integrate their own feelings of listening to music. Feelings are presented through physical performance and visual art, moving from awareness to creation, sublimating the experience of beauty, and implementing the cultivation of beauty in art education. "

(5) Cross-disciplinary music teaching "Xiaobao learns painting - reciting children's poems" (graduate student: Chen Hanzong)

"Design concept:
a Appreciate and imagine the descriptions of various things in "Obho Gakushu's Drawings" through text reading.
b Understand the rhythm of the poem based on the spoken rhythm and share it with others.
c Use color dots and lines to mark rhythms and practice rhythm notation at the first level. "

(6) Cross-field English teaching in "Home" visual art language (Teacher trainee Zhuo Tingyu)

"Course design concept: Home is an indispensable thing for us.
I am thinking about how to apply what I have learned before in curriculum design; in order to implement cross-field curriculum design in response to the 12-year national basic education that will be implemented in 2018, I am also trying to think about using courses in other fields to integrate visual arts, English fields is a better choice. This teaching activity is designed to introduce the thing that everyone is most familiar with – home. First, the teacher will introduce words and sentence patterns for the rooms that every family has, and supplement them with beautiful videos or pictures to increase students' interest in learning. After that, they will make exquisite pocket houses to allow students to immerse themselves in them. . Finally, let each group of students use their imagination to make their own family layout diagram, and use the English words and sentence patterns learned in class to introduce it. It is hoped that through this teaching activity, students will not only learn English-related knowledge, but also learn how to configure and arrange their own family layout, from the first draft to the final color matching, so that students can use Opportunities for cross-field learning to learn courses on the same theme, thereby deepening and broadening learning. "

(7) "Understanding International Organizations" across visual arts and society (Normal Trainee Hao Fengyi)

"Course related objectives:
1. Understand the types of international organizations and whether Taiwan participates in them.
2. Understand the time, place and purpose of the establishment of international organizations.
3. Be able to understand Taiwan’s international situation.
4. Be able to realize that you are a member of the global village and fulfill your responsibilities and obligations as a global citizen.
5. Be able to complete the production and design of fish bone books.
6. Ability to extract and organize the key points of information related to social issues. "


(8) "Traveling the world with music" across music and society (Teacher trainee Lin Huishan)

"Course Overview: The aesthetic education curriculum model aims to cultivate perception, association, action and reflection. This course design follows this PAAR model and strives to promote and promote aesthetic education. Practice. By using heterogeneous groups, we hope to stimulate the potential of low-ability students through the assistance and guidance of high-ability students, so that all members of the group can achieve good learning results.

This course is specially designed for sixth-grade elementary school students. It cooperates with Kangxuan's sixth-grade social studies course in the second semester to explore Japan, Ghana and Hawaii by taking a music flight. Using Google Map, students will be guided to understand the direction and distance from Taiwan to these areas. And use Google Minions to explore the local landscape and cultural style, supplement it with other online information to experience the exotic customs, and finally explore the music styles, musical elements (such as Japanese pentatonic scale) and characteristic musical instruments (such as representing Africa) thumb piano and ukulele, which represents Hawaii), expand understanding of foreign cultures, cultivate the ability to appreciate, and respect diverse cultural styles. "


6. Experimental teaching

Including "Peer Trial Teaching" and "Primary School Practical Trial Teaching". After students participating in the workshop completed the course design, they voluntarily participated in the "Cross-disciplinary Aesthetic Teaching Theory and Practice Focus Forum" hosted by Professors Wu Hongyi and Chen Yiyuan to adjust the course content, and implemented "peer trial teaching" in the classroom or in person. "Primary school internship trial teaching". Among them, four sets of lesson plans were conducted "peer trial teaching" in the classroom to receive feedback from students. Among the students who took the course, three very serious teacher trainees, Zhuo Tingyu, Lin Huishan, and Hao Fengyi, happened to be substitute teachers at Chonglan Elementary School in Pingtung City during the semester. They seized the opportunity to implement the experimental teaching of cross-field aesthetic courses designed by themselves at the substitute school. Tingyu Design implements the cross-field teaching of "English and Visual Arts", Fengyi Design implements the "Visual Art and Society" cross-field teaching, and Huishan Design implements the "Music and Society" cross-field teaching. Another graduate student from the Department of Music is teaching on-site at a primary school affiliated with Pingtung University, implementing the teaching he designed across the fields of music and language, "Xiaobao Learns to Draw - Read Children's Poems." The experimental teaching experience brings priceless reflection and feedback to instructional design team members or teachers. Participants all said that although it took extra time, it was well worth it.


4, experience

From the course and workshop implementation process, it was discovered that most of the participating students were curious about how the next step of the course would proceed. What was the point of participating in experiential activities? Isn’t it just daily life? Is it worth a lot of trouble to arrange another time to get up early or go to the place where you are already accustomed to indulging in the sun or even chasing the moon? How to cross-domain course knowledge from different sciences? There are obviously clear barriers to sound, technique, color, form, body, subject... etc., but the students' eyes reveal "Teacher, what do you really want?" Slowly, it can be seen from the students' eyes that their doubts and persistence have changed. Later, they were replaced by "What can I do... I want to try." The atmosphere in classes and activities was extremely good, and everyone tried to find new ways together. Let’s discuss the ethos of teaching. Although all the students participating were unable to produce specific results within the limited workshop time, it is obvious that the teacher trainees are willing to try concepts they have never thought of, subvert their past learning experiences in their growth stages, and are willing to face the problem in a more open way. Teaching for the future. At the end of the article, some excerpts of the experiences of several students who participated in the workshop are shared to give a glimpse of the participation experience of the teacher trainees.

Tingyu’s thoughts:
"I am honored to participate in this cross-field curriculum design lesson plan. From classroom learning, writing cross-field lesson plans to classroom teaching, it is a cumulative learning experience. Cross-field learning, I think, in addition to the school curriculum and general education Outside of the curriculum, extracurricular internship activities and clubs are more effective. However, I think the most important thing is not only to integrate other course teaching into the classroom, but also to train one's ability to "think without being restricted by frameworks" and to think independently. Only by having critical thinking can we produce more value in the future society... Today's social culture and education are changing... Teachers must also be prepared for learners to expand their horizons, absorb some new knowledge, develop passionate motivation and Carry out systematic learning, and always use innovation to arouse students' learning motivation and enthusiasm, so that students can have more fun in learning, not just passive learning. "

Hui Shan’s thoughts:
"The author is deeply honored and excited to be able to participate in the aesthetic education course. However, when I started designing the course, I still had a lot of excitement in my heart. One was that I felt honored to be able to contribute to aesthetic education, and the other was that I "learned and then didn't know enough, and taught." Then I realized the difficulty. "I am deeply afraid that I will mislead my students because I am crossing fields and am not my own expertise. Therefore, I deeply feel that there are many difficulties in the implementation of cross-field aesthetic education..."

Han Zong’s thoughts:
“I once heard a professor in the field of music education say that the implementation of music courses should be based on the principle of “experience first, then cognition.” Because during the course experience, students will "play" very happily, and their learning motivation is very strong at this time. Also because they are fully immersed in the experience, students can naturally feel the "lessons" that teachers want to bring to them. If the cognitive part is introduced later, students will not be in a "fog-like" state..."


5. Thoughts and Suggestions

In the implementation of any new education policy or new education action, in addition to point-and-point immediate actions from the education site, the area of teacher training must not be ignored, because the impact of future teachers on students is comprehensive, not only far-reaching but also continuing to create ripples . This case was carried out under a tight schedule, and the preparations were not perfect and could not achieve the expected ideals. Although the results were somewhat comforting, it was still a pity. It is recommended that the theory of future special book publishing: a tentative cross-field aesthetic course for national primary school teacher training, art and humanities teaching materials and teaching methods. If the plan is announced earlier, it will be easier to overcome school schedules, encourage teachers to participate, and students when implementing the plan. Difficulties in choosing courses, renting venues, etc.

This article is included in "What Class Is This - Imagination and Practice of Cross-Field Aesthetics Courses", Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University, 2018

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