

A: 遴選結果公告後,將舉辦全國種子學校誓師大會及分區研習營/講座等,進行跨領域美感教育之培訓及輔導。教案設計可參考本計畫前期開發之教案(計畫官網>教案分享頁面 https://www.inarts. […]

What is the Ministry of Education's "Reference Principles for Implementing Cross-field or Cross-Subject Collaborative Teaching in National Middle Schools and Primary Schools"?

A: 請參閱 教育部公布「國民中學及國民小學實施跨領域或跨科目協同教學參考原則」 教育部公告上版日期:107-01-09 https://www.edu.tw/News_Content.aspx?n= […]

What are the cross-disciplinary curriculum standards for this project? How to write a curriculum plan?

A: 以彩虹國中案例說明:彩虹國中設計三段式課程教案,美術課為前導課程兩節課→美感融入生物課程兩節課→美術與生物教師協同教學一節課。 原則上,課程及教案應該都是連貫的,當中有用到的科目應該都可以寫進去 […]

The hourly lecture fee is capped at RMB 2,000/1,500. If a theater troupe is invited to perform on campus and the performance fee exceeds this standard, how should I reimburse it? Also, if I want to purchase another musical instrument, are there any suitable subsidy programs?

A: The main purpose of this project is to develop and practice cross-field aesthetic courses, rather than to cultivate artistic skills. Therefore, we hope that funding planning can focus on the implementation of courses.
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