
I want to take students to visit arts and cultural venues or participate in day school activities. Which item should I use to cover transportation expenses?

A: Domestic travel expenses (transportation expenses/travel expenses) can be included, but the subsidy amount for seed schools in this plan is 60,000 yuan per semester. Please carefully evaluate the necessity of this for the development of cross-field aesthetic courses.

Is the funding breakdown required for each project?

A: When submitting a funding application, projects that are not in use do not need to be listed, and the quota can be used evenly for other projects. If there is a need for changes in funding items after the implementation of the plan, you can submit it in a written document (before December 31, 2018).


A: 物品費、書籍、CD、DVD等可記入教學材料費,但硬體設備因有財產歸屬問題,通常無法編列。建議經費編列若有疑義請先行徵詢各校主計。

Is there any proportion or amount limit for each funding item? For example, is there a clear provision on the maximum amount of hourly fees?

A: 補助種子學校執行本計畫之經費法規依據為「中央政府各機關用途別科目分類及執行標準表」、「教育部補助及委辦計畫經費編列基準表」及「行政院主計處國內出差旅費報支要點」等,各項經費皆為「業務費」用途項下 […]
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