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[108-1 Cross-field Aesthetic Education Series Lecture Workshop] North District Venue

[Moderator’s Speech] Professor Huang Chunmin, National Taiwan Normal University
【Moderator’s Speech】Professor Huang Chunmin/National Taiwan Normal University

On December 6, the North District Lecture Workshop was held at National Taiwan Normal University. Professor Huang Chunmin, co-host of the project, welcomed all partners who care about cross-field aesthetic education to actively participate in this wet and cold weather, and first explained the course to everyone. The concepts of the modules and the application of course cases, as well as the course manuals that will be released one after another to introduce the plan, allow teachers to have a deeper understanding. Next came the promotion lecture on cross-field aesthetic excellence highlights. Teacher Chung Yihui from the National Penghu University of Science and Technology was invited to share her experience in cooperating with seed schools from the perspective of a teacher training university. Teachers from seed schools are welcome to make good use of teacher training resources; Taichung Municipal Wenhua High School Teacher Gao Jiahong shared his experience of participating in a foreign study tour to the Netherlands. He started with the historical and humanistic background of the Netherlands and shared what he saw and heard during the visit to the school and the Dutch Design Week. The exciting content continued until lunch time.

[Cross-domain aesthetic course module application examples] Speaker: Professor Huang Chunmin National Taiwan Normal University
[Cross-domain aesthetic course module application examples] Speaker: Professor Huang Chunmin/National Taiwan Normal University
[Excellent Highlights Promotion Lecture on Cross-Domain Aesthetics Jointly by Six Penghu Universities] Speaker: Teacher Zhong Yihui National Penghu University of Science and Technology
[Excellent Highlights Promotion Lecture on Cross-Domain Aesthetics Jointly by Six Penghu Universities] Speaker: Teacher Zhong Yihui/National Penghu University of Science and Technology
[Excellent Highlights of Cross-Domain Aesthetics Promotion Lecture Sharing by Returned Teachers from the International Visit to the Netherlands] Speaker: Teacher Gao Jiahong, Taichung Municipal Wenhua High School
[Promotion Lecture on Highlights of Cross-Domain Aesthetic Excellence - Sharing by Returned Teachers from an International Visit to the Netherlands]
Speaker: Teacher Gao Jiahong/Taichung Municipal Wenhua High School

In the afternoon session, Mr. Xie Jiarui from the National Taipei University of Education gave a lecture on cross-domain aesthetic education in mathematics. He used the 2020 Tokyo Olympics promotional video as the main theme to help everyone discover the beauty of various mathematics hidden in the film. The last workshop invited Mr. Zhuang Yuesheng, a Sony digital classroom portrait photographer, to explain the basic concepts of photography and shooting techniques in different situations. Finally, he led the teachers out of the classroom to practice in various corners of the campus, successfully ending the one-day lecture workshop.

[Cross-domain Mathematics Aesthetic Education Enhancing Lecture] Speaker: Mr. Xie Jiarui National Taipei University of Education
[Cross-domain Mathematics Aesthetic Education Enhancing Lecture] Speaker: Teacher Xie Jiarui/National Taipei University of Education
[Photography and Image Processing Workshop] The Beauty of Photography and Basic Practice Speaker: Teacher Zhuang Yuesheng Sony Digital Classroom Portrait Photographer
[Photography and Image Processing Workshop─The Beauty of Photography and Basic Practice] Speaker: Teacher Zhuang Yuesheng/Sony Digital Classroom Portrait Photographer
79944962 2591484687747195 7096486472185806848 O
Lectures and workshops course status
79700120 2591484791080518 3935096470214017024 O
[Photography and Image Processing Workshop─The Beauty of Photography and Basic Practice] Outdoor Practice

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