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"Beauty. Shitang - Thrilling Aesthetic Cuisine" Exhibition of Achievements of the Ministry of Education's Cross-disciplinary Aesthetic Education Project

The Cross-Field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Project organized by the Ministry of Education will hold an exhibition of project results in an online virtual format this year. It was officially launched today (November 15). It brings together the project results over the past 103 years and can be found on the results website. and presented on the Gather platform. Interested friends are welcome to visit […]
109 Cross-Domain Aesthetic Award Winning Schools List Page 1

Cross-field Aesthetic Outstanding School in the 109th Academic Year

Website promotion

Online briefing session for seed schools in the 110th academic year

📌Taipei City, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Yilan City📅Meeting date: August 27, 110 (Friday)🕰Meeting time: 13:30-15:30 pm🖥Meeting website: https://meet.google.com /vgj-tgpv-zyu⚠ […]
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Art Education Law Public Hearing

The public hearing on the Art Education Law is here‼ ️ Are you very interested in art education? Do you want to know more different ideas? ❓ Do you have various ideas about art education and want to express your opinions? Then you must not miss the public hearing on the Art Education Law‼ ️ 🖋🖋Public hearing live broadcast✒️✒️💻 Direct dial address: F […]
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