Message release

Cross-domain gathering, lasting aesthetics - Cross-domain aesthetic excellence school award ceremony

News source:Ministry of Education Global Information Network>


The Ministry of Education has continued to promote the third phase of the mid- and long-term plan for aesthetic education in the past 113 years, and its sub-project "Piloting Project for Excellence in Cross-Field Aesthetic Education" continues to be committed to deepening the combination of art and non-art subjects, and focusing on promoting cross-disciplinary education with art as the core. Field beauty course. Today (10th), the "Cross-Domain Gathering and Sustainability of Aesthetics" 113th School Year Awards Ceremony and Consensus Workshop will be held at the National Chengchi University Public Enterprise Center to commend outstanding schools and certify new partner schools for the 113th school year, and to promote primary and secondary school teachers and Teachers foster experience exchanges between collaborating universities and deepen the practice of aesthetic education.

The project started in 103 and has gone through four stages of development, intensive cultivation, promotion and transformation, and now it has entered the fifth stage of "diffusion". In the 2013 academic year, a total of 132 schools across Taiwan were selected as benchmark and seed cooperative schools. The cross-disciplinary aesthetic project has so far accumulated nearly 900 cooperative schools and nearly 1,600 curriculum plans.

The "Cross-Domain Aesthetics Pilot Award", "Cross-Domain Aesthetics Excellence Award" and "Cross-Domain Aesthetics Sail Award" were awarded at the ceremony. A total of 33 schools in 21 counties and cities received this award. These awards affirmed the schools' design and promotion of aesthetic courses. efforts and the hard work of teachers. The certification ceremony represents the important mission given to the selected schools to promote cross-field aesthetic education and hopes to play a leading role in future teaching practice.

The Ministry of Education today (10th) invited outstanding schools and schools that will cooperate in the 113th school year to participate in the award ceremony and workshops. In the morning, the experience sharing of "Cross-Domain Aesthetic Curriculum Creation and Practical Model" was held, and three outstanding schools that won the "Cross-Domain Aesthetic Pilot Award" were invited to share: "Hi! Animals, hello!" shared by the National Taipei University of Education's Experimental Elementary School. ” series of courses share experiences in curriculum co-preparation and community promotion, and how teachers in schools can form a strong interdisciplinary teaching community through dialogue and collaboration. This not only promotes the exchange of experiences between teachers, but also The spark of innovation bursts out in the process of preparing lessons.

In addition, Penghu County Pengnan Junior High School shared its experience in cross-disciplinary curriculum design. Courses such as "Bricks Belong to You" and "Cake Art and Soap Fun" effectively use local culture and resources to teach students to observe local color aesthetics and connect with the community. Cooperate to promote aesthetic courses to take root in the community. Enrich students' learning experience and strengthen the connection between school and community.

Kaohsiung Municipal Xiaogang Senior High School also shared examples of integrating creative elements in Chinese courses. In the "Discover Your Copywriting Power" and "Story Petri Dish" series of courses, it showed how to combine Chinese and artistic creation to inspire students to think more about contemporary social issues. thinking. The instructor said that through copywriting creation, students not only learn Chinese language skills, but also express their observations and opinions on social phenomena. The innovative teaching method not only increases students' participation in class, but also allows them to gain deeper insights during the learning process.

In the afternoon, the consensus workshop took "Cross-Domain Aesthetic Energy Sustainability" as the project theme. After promoting interaction through ice-breaking activities, teachers were led to deeply explore the core of the course module and strengthen participants' practical abilities in course design. Teachers learn how to write lesson plans using the course plan library on the official website of the Cross-Field Aesthetics Project, and ensure that these plans can be effectively implemented in daily teaching to achieve the expected teaching goals; participating universities in the teacher training program also share their past experiences in promoting cross-disciplinary education. Case studies of domain courses provide practical reference and application for new teachers.

The Ministry of Education stated that it will continue to promote medium and long-term aesthetic education plans in the future, expand its influence, and share aesthetic cases at various stages of education to influence more teachers and students.

by cdpy_manager

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