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0927 16

百所合作學校線上誓師 一展跨域美感新氣象

新聞來源:臺師大 新聞連結:<新聞連結請點> 因應12年國民基本教育課程綱要實施,精進學校教師跨領域美感課程設計能力,國立臺灣師範大學承辦由教育部指導之「跨領域美感教育卓越領航計畫」,隨著「元宇宙」教 […]


竹縣美感教育卓越 3校獲選

新聞來源:中國時報| 邱立雅 、竹縣 連結:<新聞連結請點> 教育部近期核定2022年跨領域美感教育卓越領航計畫學校,新竹縣有3所學校從全台300多校脫穎而出,包括竹東國中、內灣國小分別以小鎮少年的林 […]

111th academic year teacher training and partner university approved list page 1

Cross-field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Program—Teacher Training for the 111th Academic Year and Approved List of Partner Universities

Teacher training for the 111 academic year and the approved list of cooperative universities. Teacher training for the 111 academic year and the approved list of cooperative universities. Teacher training for the 111 academic year and the approved list of cooperative universities. Teacher training for the 111 academic year and the approved list of cooperative universities. Teacher training for the 111 academic year and the approved list of cooperative universities.
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