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Approved list of county and municipal benchmark schools for the 111th school year page 1

Cross-field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Project—Approved List of County and Municipal Seed Schools for the 111th School Year

Approved list of seed schools under the jurisdiction of counties and cities in the 111 academic year page 1 Approved list of seed schools under the county and city jurisdiction in the 111 academic year Page 2 Approved list of seed schools under the county and city jurisdiction in the 111 academic year Page 3 Approved list of seed schools under the jurisdiction of counties and cities in the 111 academic year Page 4 111 Learning […]

感恩母親節 佳里國中學生製作禮物送溫馨

新聞來源:台灣好新聞  記者李文生/台南報導 新聞連結:Yahoo!新聞 迎接充滿感恩的母親節,佳里國中透過跨領域美感卓越領航計畫,設計「特別的愛,給特別的你」母親節禮物教學,結合7科老師共同指導學生 […]

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