訊息發布 / 活動預告

S 187277314

Teacher training and cooperative university recruitment briefing for the 113th academic year

The Cross-Field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Project will hold the "113 Academic Year Teacher Training and Partner University Recruitment Briefing" on April 12. Teachers who are interested in joining this project as teacher training professors are welcome to attend. A complete plan will be available on site. Painting introduction and application instructions, please scan the poster QR Code to register. […]

S 187277316

113th Academic Year Benchmark and Seed School Recruitment Briefing Session

The Cross-Field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Project will hold three "113 Academic Year Benchmark and Seed School Recruitment Briefing Sessions" in the North, Central and South from the end of March to the beginning of April. Teachers who are interested in participating in this project are welcome to attend and listen. There will be a complete program introduction, selection criteria and application instructions. To register, please scan the poster Q […]

網站文宣 2


宅在家很無聊,乾脆打開電腦,跟我們一起來線上增能、創課。跨領域美感教育計劃精心準備了線上工作坊,讓你躲在家裡,還是可以串連教師社群,一起來創課! 第一場:五感體驗與美學經驗 –生命教育📅日期:110年 […]

512 彰師大 169


📆日期:2021年05月12日(三) 🕰︎時間:9:00 12:00 🏫地點:彰師大進德校區 綜合中心4樓—團體諮商室 👉報名方式:請將個人姓名、聯絡資訊寄送至robe774@hotmail.com

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