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Light up你的美感力─跨域美感課程各展特色

發布單位:<師資培育及藝術教育司> 教育部自108年起推動美感教育第二期中長程計畫,其中子計畫「跨領域美感卓越領航計畫(下稱跨領域美感計畫)」致力於跨領域美感課程推廣,不斷透過與參與學校的努力研 […]

S 165748777


新聞來源:  莊煥寧/綜合報導 新聞連結:<金門日報> 教育部《110學年度跨域美感績優學校》於昨(21)日於臺灣師範大學校本部禮堂舉行頒獎典禮,由教育部師資藝教司王淑娟副司長頒贈,金門高中榮獲《跨域 […]

S 165240854

The Ministry of Education's 110th Academic Year Cross-Domain Aesthetic Outstanding School Award Ceremony

The Ministry of Education's cross-field aesthetic education excellence pilot program conducts the selection of outstanding schools for the 110th academic year. The courses of 161 cooperative schools across Taiwan went through rigorous three stages of preliminary review, re-examination and final review. In the end, 35 schools from 19 counties and cities won the award. A grand ceremony was held today (21st) at the auditorium of National Taiwan Normal University […]


多年跨藝‧跨越美展 2/4起文化局展出

新聞來源:李增汪/綜合報導 新聞連結:<金門日報> 多年國小111學年度「跨藝‧跨越」學生美展,將於112年2月4日至3月1日,在金門縣文化局展出學生藝術作品,本次美展融合不同藝術創作技法,結合立體設 […]

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