News Release/Latest News

Taoshi Wenshan Elementary School cross-disciplinary aesthetic education "Food is art and thinking" handmade baking to learn Chinese and mathematics

Report source: Dacheng Daily Ministry of Education's cross-field aesthetic education excellence pilot program, with a total of 153 participating schools across the country. After fierce selection, Taoyuan City Wenshan Elementary School uses a five-sense teaching with the characteristic "food is artistic and thoughtful" Model Queping was selected to hold a "Cross-field Aesthetic Education Project" class observation today […]

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Cross-domain gathering of aesthetics and sailing 5 schools each present cross-domain special courses on aesthetics

Report source: The Penghu Times Ministry of Education promotes the "Cross-disciplinary Aesthetic Education Course". Five schools in the county, Zhongzheng Elementary School, Zhongxing Elementary School, Chenli Elementary School, Jibei Elementary School, and Pengnan Junior High School, participated in the selection among more than 300 schools across the country. Selected as a seed school among primary and secondary schools to design and plan a "cross-disciplinary aesthetic education course" […]

[Cross-domain gathering·Sail with beauty—108th Seed School Swearing Conference and Enhancing Learning] Kaohsiung event concluded successfully

  The last session of the 108th Seed School Oath-taking Ceremony and Enhancing Training was held at Kaohsiung Normal University on September 27. In the morning, a double violin performance from the Music Department of National Pingtung University was invited to perform. Although there was an episode of broken strings during the performance, the performers Still showed the most professional side and calmly responded, winning the favor of the audience […]

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[Cross-domain gathering·Sail with beauty—108th Seed School Swearing Conference and Enhancing Learning] The Taichung event was successfully completed

  The second session of the 108th Seed School Oath-taking Ceremony and Enhancing Training was held at Taichung Dadun Cultural Center! Early in the morning, the Taichung City West District Zhongxiao Elementary School String Orchestra, one of the seed schools in this issue, gave a wonderful and beautiful performance. Project co-host and Dean Zhuang Minren of the School of Humanities, National Taichung University of Education delivered a welcome speech and invited […]

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[Cross-domain gathering·Sail with beauty—108th Seed School Swearing Conference and Enhancing Learning] Taipei session concluded successfully

  The first Taipei session of the 108th Seed School Oath-taking Ceremony and Enhancing Training was officially launched last Friday (9/6) at Taipei City University! The event kicked off early in the morning with a performance by the recorder team of Renai Elementary School in Taipei City, one of the seed schools in this period, and invited Li Yujuan, deputy director of the Department of Teacher Training and Art Education of the Ministry of Education […]

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