Overseas visits/latest news

Hans University of Applied Sciences

2019 Aesthetic Education Teachers Visited the Netherlands to Aesthetic and Art Education and Returned with a Full Productivity

The visit to the Netherlands for aesthetics and art education not only opens up opportunities for exchanges between Taiwan and the Netherlands, and enhances teachers' international vision and artistic knowledge, but more importantly, it brings together teachers from all Taiwan's aesthetic projects and subject areas to participate in the aesthetic education transformation project. confidence and partnership.

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Energy-boosting lecture and information session before the Dutch delegation’s trip

The second Dutch delegation for teachers’ overseas study tour is about to depart! Before going abroad, an empowerment lecture and information session will be held to allow participating teachers to have an understanding of the cultural and artistic background of the Netherlands and the planning of the trip. ——Energy-boosting lecture and information session before the Dutch delegation’s trip Date: January 1, 2018 […]

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Energy-boosting lectures and briefings before the group trip to Thailand

The first Thai group in the "108th Annual Aesthetic Education Teachers' Overseas Training Visit" will set off next week! Hold empowerment lectures and information sessions before going abroad to let participating teachers understand the humanistic background of Thailand and the planning of the trip. ——Speaking on improving skills before the group trip to Thailand […]

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The list of selected candidates for the Ministry of Education’s “108th Annual Aesthetic Education Teachers’ Overseas Training Visit” is released

Since the Ministry of Education's "108th Annual Aesthetic Education Teachers' Overseas Training Visit" was announced by the Cross-Field Aesthetic Education Excellence Pilot Project Team, more than 100 registration forms for aesthetic education teachers have been received. Through representatives of various learning stages in primary and secondary schools, arts, subjects, and education courses, […]

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Aesthetic education teachers visit abroad for further study

In order to achieve the curriculum spirit of promoting whole-person education in the 12-year National Basic Education, in the second half of the year, we will conduct overseas training visits for teachers working on aesthetic education, providing opportunities for teachers to enhance their abilities in artistic aesthetics. It is hoped that through overseas study visits, we can enhance diversified aesthetic experiences and expand teachers’ international vision and humanistic qualities; […]

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