出國參訪 / 2019荷蘭

Hans University of Applied Sciences

2019 Aesthetic Education Teachers Visited the Netherlands to Aesthetic and Art Education and Returned with a Full Productivity

The visit to the Netherlands for aesthetics and art education not only opens up opportunities for exchanges between Taiwan and the Netherlands, and enhances teachers' international vision and artistic knowledge, but more importantly, it brings together teachers from all Taiwan's aesthetic projects and subject areas to participate in the aesthetic education transformation project. confidence and partnership.

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教師國外進修參訪第二棒荷蘭團即將出發!在出國之前舉辦增能講座暨說明會,讓參與的教師對荷蘭的文化藝術背景和此行的規劃有所了解。 —— 荷蘭團行前增能講座暨說明會 日期:108年1 […]

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為達成十二年國民基本教育倡導全人教育之課程精神,下半年度辦理美感教育工作教師國外進修參訪,提供教師在藝術美感方面增能進修的機會。希望透過國外進修參訪加強多樣化美感體驗,拓展教師國際視野與人文素養;經由 […]

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