Overseas visits / international visits

2024 International Preview(2)

2024 International Visit for Aesthetic Education Teachers from the Ministry of Education

In order to continue to deepen and expand the benefits brought by the previous international visit, the cross-disciplinary aesthetic planning team based on past management experience and the concept of promoting Taiwan’s aesthetic education and integrating it with international standards, hosted the "2024 Ministry of Education Aesthetic Education Teachers International Visit" "Visit" plan will lead Taiwanese aesthetic teachers to Spain […]

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2023 Aesthetic Education International Leading Teachers’ Experience Sharing and Exchange Meeting after Visiting Abroad and returning to the country

The "2023 Aesthetic Education International Leading Teachers' Experience Sharing and Exchange Meeting on Visiting Abroad and returning to the country" was held on December 28, attracting hundreds of teachers to participate on-site and listen online. The event kicked off with a speech by Professor Zhao Huiling from the Department of Fine Arts of National Taiwan Normal University, the host of the interdisciplinary aesthetic education project. The accompanying French Ministry of Education teacher […]

2023 International Leading Teachers of Aesthetic Education Go Abroad for Further Study

The list of selected candidates for the Ministry of Education's "2023 Ministry of Education's Aesthetic Education International Leading Teachers' Study Abroad Visit" is released

The Ministry of Education received a total of 107 applications for the "2023 Ministry of Education Aesthetic Education International Leading Teachers' Study Abroad Visit". We would like to thank all teachers for their enthusiastic registration. After a written review by a selection committee composed of representatives of each learning stage, scholars and experts from arts, disciplines, and education courses, […]

2023 International Leading Teachers of Aesthetic Education Go Abroad for Further Study and Visit

International leading teachers of aesthetic education go abroad for further study visits

In order to continue to deepen and expand the benefits brought by the previous international visit, the cross-disciplinary aesthetic planning team based on past management experience and the concept of promoting Taiwan’s aesthetic education and integrating it with the international community, undertook the "2023 International Leading Teachers of Aesthetic Education to Study Abroad" "Visit" program will lead Taiwanese aesthetic teachers to study abroad […]

Hans University of Applied Sciences

2019 Aesthetic Education Teachers Visited the Netherlands to Aesthetic and Art Education and Returned with a Full Productivity

The visit to the Netherlands for aesthetics and art education not only opens up opportunities for exchanges between Taiwan and the Netherlands, and enhances teachers' international vision and artistic knowledge, but more importantly, it brings together teachers from all Taiwan's aesthetic projects and subject areas to participate in the aesthetic education transformation project. confidence and partnership.

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