Course plan library

science and technology

Showing 97–108 of 125 results

  • Taitung County Dawu Elementary School—Listen, the sea is singing

    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • Taitung County Dawu Elementary School—Listen, the sea is singing

    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • Taitung County Da Wang Xiao—a local cultural and creative expert

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • art field
    • visual art
    • music
  • 臺東縣大王國小—走讀日昇國度「看見家鄉」

    • other
    • science and technology
    • visual art
    • music
  • 臺東縣大王國小—走讀日昇國度「看見家鄉」

    • Other areas
    • society
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • visual art
  • 臺東縣新園國小—幸福新樂園

    • Other areas
    • math
    • society
    • science and technology
    • visual art
    • Chinese
  • Taitung County Xinyuan Elementary School—A New Paradise of Happiness—A Feast of Beauty

    • Other areas
    • society
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • natural science
    • art field
    • visual art
    • music
  • 臺東縣樟原國小—樟藝原起

    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • natural science
    • visual art
    • Chinese
  • Taitung County Zhangyuan Elementary School—Walking in the Green Fields~The Origin of Zhangyuan Art

    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • natural science
    • visual art
    • Chinese
  • Taitung County Senior High School—The Legend of Candida~Let your limbs tell a musical story

    • Other areas
    • society
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • Performance art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • 花蓮縣明義國小—夏卡爾愛與美的專賣店

    • Health and Sports
    • Other areas
    • society
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • art field
    • visual art
    • Chinese
  • 花蓮縣明義國小—夏卡爾愛與美的專賣店

    • Health and Sports
    • society
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11
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