Course plan library

science and technology

Showing 73–84 of 125 results

  • Taichung City Wuri Junior High School - New Biography of Li Jing Ji - Mobile Tour "Gui Yi"

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • Performance art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • Taichung City Fuyang Elementary School—Qi Bucheng Teacher—Make your own eco-friendly tableware

    • other
    • society
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • visual art
  • Taichung City Fuyang Elementary School—Recording the beauty of Huludun—Special manhole cover

    • society
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • visual art
  • Taichung City Fuyang Elementary School─Day Reading Huludun Local Literature and History CNC Maker

    • other
    • Other areas
    • society
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • visual art
  • 臺北市天母國中—E&ART 山林之美

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • natural science
    • art field
    • Performance art
    • visual art
  • Taipei City Tianmu Junior High School─EART The beauty of mountains and forests

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • Performance art
    • visual art
  • 臺北市建國中學—墨墨深耕科學研究教育

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • natural science
    • art field
    • visual art
  • 臺北市建國中學─萬紫千紅 植物染的科學探究

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • natural science
    • art field
    • visual art
  • Chengde Middle School in Taipei City—Garden of Life from Chengde

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • Taipei Chang'an Elementary School—Photograph Canvas Bag Design for You

    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • art field
    • visual art
  • Tainan City Jiali Junior High School—Hi Senior Music and Assistant Artists-2

    • other
    • Other areas
    • science and technology
    • Comprehensive activities
    • art field
    • Performance art
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
  • Tainan City Jiali Junior High School—Hi Several Senior Music and Assistant Artists

    • math
    • science and technology
    • visual art
    • Chinese
    • music
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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