Course plan library

Yilan County Fuxing Junior High School─Let’s have an animal party

Based on past experience in implementing cross-disciplinary aesthetic education programs, the original plan to coordinate with the new curriculum has been continued and improved.
Adjustments are expected to be implemented within three years of the overall planning and design. At the beginning of the new school year, we hope to gradually strengthen the implementation goals and list
The following points are as follows:
1. Establishment of a teacher community: Taking advantage of past implementation experiences, teachers’ collaborative dialogue and feedback allow each other to grow
Long-term, a new stage begins. According to the vision, we hope to establish a dialogue community and increase personal and group growth opportunities.
The learning direction of this stage is broader. Last year, the cross-domain play centered on the annual drama of the school's characteristic youth troupe.
The curriculum cooperation has been quite successful. This year we will follow last year’s cooperation model and add more reading teachers and art teachers.
Teacher cooperation.
2. Aesthetic education: In the process of implementing aesthetic education and cross-field aesthetic education, it is necessary to discover the continuous time to observe
Observation and practice are necessary processes. The operation of increasing life experience also requires time accumulation to gradually see the results.
As a result, cross-domain cooperation can pull the aesthetics from the point of a single subject to the composition of lines and even surfaces. This year’s drama is about to
The theme touches on some psychological and emotional issues, and tutors are also specially invited to prepare together: also
Ask the English teacher who teaches reading to lead the children in the creation of Chinese and English lyrics for the "Anti-Bullying Song"
Focusing on adding more subject teachers’ majors will also be conducive to a more comprehensive form of learning. Fortunately, after implementation,
More and more teachers in our school are willing to become our consultants and cooperate with us.
3. Student learning: The creation of cross-subject common topics expands the perspective of the curriculum and can also increase the diversity and refinement of the topics.
Consistency. In the past, the learning spirit and attitude that could only be emphasized in a single subject can be achieved through cooperation and common requirements.
Let students understand their commonalities, and the integrated application courses of knowledge can also obtain more diverse learning in the form of special topics.
Xi Jinping and strengthen the training of integration ability. In addition, in response to last year’s cooperation model, the seventh grade area was implemented and expanded this year.
Students in grades seven and eight come to implement cross-domain curriculum cooperation and use different presentation techniques to create learning about the play.
Achievements and experiences.

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