Course plan library

Chaozhou Junior High School in Pingtung County─Be contented by observing everything~Explore multiple ways of beauty

  1. Enhance teachers’ understanding of cross-fields in schools: Since our school lacks experience in cross-field courses and is not familiar with aesthetic courses, the main focus of this semester’s courses is still the warm-up of teachers and students in cross-fields, and a dual-disciplinary learning approach is adopted.
  2. Prioritize the use of interesting life teaching materials to arouse students' motivation:
    • body+See~Greek statues begin by unlocking the secret of nudity, and cooperate with students' current physical fitness training methods to understand the relationship between posture and training methods, and timely incorporate early Greek aesthetics.
    • number+See~Moebius strip infinite flipThe concept is combined with the craftsmanship of flipping cartons, understanding the mathematical logic from the bonding method, and finally adding images of career development as a review of three years of growth.
    • number+See~Structural mechanics of trianglesThe Soma Cube can generate space through the most basic geometric shapes.
    • calendar+See~Chaozhou neighborhood contextFirst of all, I will focus on understanding the changes in my own hometown, and then add personal experience and walking in the neighborhood to see the interaction between the historical buildings of the past and the residents living in them.
    • Home+See~vanilla plantPlanting and using in cooking.
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