Course plan library

New Taipei City Dapeng Elementary School─Come for a visit with a sense of beauty

1. Use the school maker course to design wooden disks and integrate the maker course into
Incorporate aesthetic education elements and concepts to sublimate the beauty of maker works.
2. Let students understand the connection between campus natural environment and artistic creation, and then cultivate students' ability to
Carefully observe the details of the plant's outer contours and the delicate veins of the leaves to discover the aesthetic textures.
3. Through the cross-disciplinary integration of the natural field and the artistic field, artistic expression and
Artistic observation serves as a medium to enhance the effectiveness of natural science learning, and through the details of plants
Observation and description promote the understanding and observation of plant growth.
4. Integrate laser cutting machines into teaching in the field of science and technology, and students can convert 2D drawings into 2D drawings.
Experience the aesthetic expression of hand-painted plants on wooden plates.

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