Course plan library

New Taipei City Xinghua Elementary School─The role of "light" and "combination"

Last semester, we started with optics, letting children know the secrets of what can be seen with the eyes; and then moved on to the impact of light on living things. Photosynthesis allows plants to survive, bloom and bear fruit, and then reproduce the next generation. The entire process is inseparable from light. Therefore, we must use the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits of plants on campus, whether they are wild grasses, cherry blossoms, black wormwood trees... any natural materials that can be collected to create our own personalized Xinghua wreaths; and then introduce science The combination of emerging materials in the world, using light to cut materials and transform plastics, is an important material that facilitates the beautification of the environment in life, and also allows Xinghua children to create their own works; the combination of light and heat gives humans a warm atmosphere , whether it is psychological or physical support, can always give yourself energy when you encounter setbacks.

Also because the courses last semester were rich and dynamic, this semester we will continue to expand the theme of photography from the previous semester on "Light". Through the camera lens and the different focus positions, the photos of the same scenery may have different feelings. This is the power of light. Light creates two sensory stimulations, light and dark. How do we present a three-dimensional feeling in a 2D vision? Light is so charming. This time, in addition to city artists, artists in the middle and senior grades of Xinghua University also have to be little scientists. They have to bake twigs from campus to make charcoal, and then compare the shades of different types of charcoal, and finally Challenging the difficulty of sketching with light and dark lines; while lower grade students used turmeric, a local specialty of Sanzhi, to dye bags. Stay tuned for our creations.

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