Course plan library

Hsinchu County Songlin Elementary School─Travel through time and space and play in the beautiful pine forest

Xinfeng Shanqi is a small place name on the Hukou platform. Fifty years ago, it was an unknown and typical rural type. The land is barren and belongs to the red soil layer. The crops are mainly rice. The terrain is high and the crops are completely dependent on rain from the sky. Therefore, it is known as "three harvests and two no harvests". Although the soil is not suitable for farming, the soil in this area is suitable for making tiles and bricks, so many Yamazaki people rely on the brick and tile kiln industry to support their families. In its heyday, there were many brick and tile kilns, and there were more than 30 brick and tile kilns in the Shanqi area covering a hundred miles. The bricks and tiles produced were shipped and sold all over the province, from as far away as Yilan in the north to Pingtung in the south. The "tiles" produced also enjoy the reputation of being of the best quality in the province.
The chimneys, dormitories, and factories that enter the clouds have long entered history and have entered the depths of people's memories. The Songlin Brick and Tile Exhibition Hall of our school preserves the memory of the history and culture of the Hsinchu area. Through school education and teaching inheritance, combined with courses in related fields, it transcends time and space and allows the once glorious era to be taught on campus again.
This course is designed to connect art, humanities, society, and information learning courses across fields. From traveling through time and space, it leads students to have a nostalgic feeling about the history of bricks and tiles, and brings emotions into art learning and work creation. Through the basic techniques and principles of art, Study and create works that are not just presentations, but incorporate understanding of the history of your hometown and identification with the campus.

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