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Tainan City Nanda Elementary School─There are endless stories about the city wall

1. Taking the "wall" as the starting point, using the wall to associate stories that have happened in the past and create a mental interpretation of the wall. A wall can be an entity that occupies a certain space, or it can be a carrier that connects history, military, faith, life, and art.
This teaching material extends from the "School Architectural Art Appreciation" within the previous wall to the "Preview of Fahua Temple", a third-level historic site next to the wall, to learn about the stories and cultural exchanges that took place in the land of the affiliated primary school in the past. The tour then begins with the public art appreciation of students' paintings, pottery, and inlaid magnets on the school walls, and then extends the tour to the first-class historic site, Nanmen City. Along the way, we will visit the physical form of the old city wall of Tainan Girls' High School and the "old city surrounding support system" and the image of the antique city wall. , visited Dayanmen City to experience the campaign of attacking the Wengcheng, and visited the forest of steles next to Dayanmen City, and guided the "Stele for Women's Imprisonment" and other stone steles that are full of education, life care and calligraphy beauty, allowing students to connect with the monuments Characters and historical stories create spiritual connections and activate ancient cultural relics.
Furthermore, students are guided to visit the antique city wall architecture of the "Chung Tai World Museum", the calligraphy and rubbing art of the Forest of Steles in Xi'an, and Buddhist sculptures from ancient and modern times, allowing students to look down from Taiwan to the world and expand their minds from the individual to the greater self. Ultimately there is no self.
Finally, the cross-field learning content, sketches and photography materials, and a letter to the future were integrated, combined with modern laser engraving technology and traditional calligraphy and painting, to create the acrylic laser engraving work "The Story of the City Wall Is Endless" for the public school of the attached primary school. Art injects time art (memory) walls that are warm, contemporary, penetrating, life-continuing, participatory and inspirational.
2. Fahua Temple is adjacent to the southern campus of NTU Primary School. You can see the temple's tower-like building from a distance on the campus, but most students have not visited it in person. This theme teaching hopes to use the guided tour to introduce the architecture, paintings, sculptures, utensils and other arts of Fahua Temple, causing students to think about the meaning of traditional artworks, views on death, philosophical stories of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism and other moral and ethical values. think. Continue to guide children in group photography. Students can capture subjects with deep impressions (feelings) and store image materials. Then, through extended outdoor teaching, the richness of visual images can be expanded. Through guided appreciation, sketching and reflection, they can understand traditional Artistic and cultural connotations, spontaneously create laser sculptures with text connotation, storytelling, and penetrating life time and space, share them with others, and install them on the newly renovated wall (Time Gallery) between the attached primary school and Fahua Temple. Reflect each other. The light of life shines brightly. It is a wish and a goal of life. Expectations and blessings.
3. By leading students to visit the Chung Tai World Museum, explore and appreciate the space design, rich and diverse collections, the majestic antique Chang'an city wall architecture that combines natural and humanistic environments, and the beauty of natural ecology, etc., and combine it with related activities, through Learning processes such as appreciation, questioning, publishing, sketching, games-seeking happiness, electronic monument rubbing experience, student guided tours, etc., explore visual components from artworks, such as shape, color, space, etc., and guide students to gradually understand artistic symbols meaning, enhance the sensitivity of sensory experience, and enrich the experience of beauty in life. Furthermore, through on-site inspections and visits, you can appreciate the different art and culture from the East and the West and expand your life horizons. Through the learning process of exploration, understanding, feeling, and appreciation, students can enhance the richness and aesthetic experience of life, combine traditional and modern technological media for performance, interpret "the most beautiful lines" and "prospects for the future", and learn to apply There are some visiting etiquette.

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