Course plan library

Changhua County Lujiang International Primary and Secondary School—"Artistic World" Luyi Shiyi's artistic world

"The World of Art" Lu Yi Shiyi's artistic world is based on the four major elements of Lujiang International Primary and Secondary School Experimental Education Curriculum: artistic innovation, bilingual education, scientific and technological talent display, and international education. It starts from the opera culture of Lugang Beiguan and The creative "art" of calligraphy connects the world, allowing cross-domain integration of music, performing arts and visual arts; using school-based bilingual courses for cognitive understanding and technology for five-sense practice, allowing students to combine practice with life situations Use language expression to demonstrate results. The course is based on inquiry-based learning and on-the-spot learning as the curriculum design purpose. It conducts cross-field teaching, cultivates cross-field art appreciation and knowledge, and cultivates innovative emotions through students' practical experience; with design as its latitude, Cultivate students to understand and directly observe the craftsmanship of temple decoration, create incense brand creations, and understand the cultural and creative output of Lukang through five-sense experience. With the theme of "The World of Art and Fragrance", we can understand the knowledge and traditional culture of the temple. We hope that students can immerse themselves in the world of traditional art and reproduce the traditional craft aesthetics of Lukang. We hope that Lujiang will use the course as a platform to let students understand the tradition through students' five-sense experience. culture, and then innovate and output to activate traditional culture and reproduce the splendor of Lukang.

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