Course plan library

Penghu County Ma Gong Junior High School’s Chinese-English doorknob sign team series creation

For seventh-grade junior high school students, they are at the stage when they have just entered elementary school and are about to become more sensible. Through the spirit of the Scout learning team, students can strengthen their understanding of the importance of the concept of being a group in daily life; And practice mutual respect when getting along with others, starting from living in harmony with your closest family members.
The development of this course is based on the local characteristic image representation of Penghu Island; looking at the international language to convey the warm communication medium, leading students from the basis of human interaction to guiding students to create small groups; communication and communication between classmates; classmates and teachers, etc. Collaborate, come up with ideas and produce a team series of English doorknob art creations - Knock on the door.
During the process, the woodworking classroom resources of the school's self-made education center were combined to provide ideal materials for the course to successfully complete the implementation process of the work. The practical results of solid wood painting and wood burning art improved the texture and durability of the work. After the doorknob hanging works are completed, each team will share their creative ideas in accordance with the team call of their theme series design. Finally, implement course feedback and learning records, complete the course study sheets and learning history files, and share the wonderful ideas of creation and feedback with each other.
After the course, students took home their unique doorknob hangings and took photos with the hangings at the door of their bedrooms to realize the taste of creative life. They also brought back a series of photos of their team's works to share with their families. and obtain feedback from parents.

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