
Taichung City Washington Elementary School—Jujuan Planet Adventure

About "Juanjuan Planet Adventure" started with a cabbage.

The sweet and crunchy texture of cabbage is the most acceptable vegetable for children. It can be transformed into many dishes. It is also a vegetable that can be seen in the market all year round. It happens to be a farm next to the school that has long-term teaching cooperation, and a large area of farm is vacant. We hope that children can learn about the growth of fruits and vegetables and the farming process by participating in the planting process. We also hope that through cooperation in cross-field courses, students can have a deeper and broader experience of fruits and vegetables, so the course started with cabbage. The story unfolds like this!

Combined with the cabbage planting in the third-grade soil-rich course, we used cabbage as the curriculum idea. We collected cabbage-themed picture books, combined art and humanities, Chinese and nature and life technology, and applied the knowledge of art to activate teaching activities in various fields. , connect the main axes of learning in various fields, and develop integrated cross-domain learning of aesthetics.

The curriculum design extends from picture book reading combined with plant planting, aesthetic reading combined with natural observation, to poetry creation and artistic experience with multiple media, and cooking activities are held for children, parents, and the community to participate in, so that children can reflect the richness of the curriculum. It is fun, allowing learning to break away from the confinement of classrooms and subjects, activating concepts and gaining different aesthetic experiences.

The "Jujuan Planet Adventure" course leads children to experience the richness of the soil under their feet. It is hoped that this course will enrich the children's hearts and re-establish the relationship between people and food, people and land, people and culture, so that children can start from food. , understand nature, care for life, and then experience the beauty of life through the integration of art, and explore the cultural connotation of one's own environment.

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