Course plan library

Yilan County Fuxing Junior High School - "Planting" a sense of life on campus

In the cross-disciplinary aesthetic course plan implemented in the past, we have already used the core competencies of the new curriculum and formulated "Knowing yourself, caring for the environment, and self-practice" as the main axis of the three-year curriculum, which has been implemented for the third year. In the school visionlove and hope』: "Bravely show vitality; action and practicality"Under the concept, in line with the connotation of the 12-year national education curriculum andSeventh grade: self and family, eighth grade: family, campus and community, ninth grade: out of school,In addition to the implementation of the original learning content, we also create life-like situations through cross-disciplinary course design, hoping that the courses will be more connected with life experience. I hope to start from myself, get closer to my surrounding environment, be willing to open my heart and eyes, and use my five senses to feel the beauty around me.

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