Course plan library

Pingtung County Gongguan Elementary School─Looking at faces and colors: Paintings describe the beauty of leaves

1. Arts and literature - Able to use sketching skills to draw plant leaf shapes and textures, and also be able to draw plant leaf shapes and textures based on students' written descriptions.
2. Chinese language field - through calligraphy writing, students can establish their mastery of Chinese character stipples and line structure, and then write correct and beautiful Chinese characters. And use Chinese reading and writing skills to make complete oral expressions and written descriptions of the observed leaf shapes and colors.
3. Natural field - Understand the shape and color characteristics of plant flowers and leaves, and then use the leaves of campus plants as dyeing creative materials.
4. Cross-field aesthetics—Let students create a title based on the “meaning” and “glyph” of the title, as well as the shape, texture, and color of the leaves. In the dyeing process, concrete handwork and abstract thinking are combined to create a cross-field symphonic performance and use it to create campus beauty.

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