Course plan library

Changxing Junior High School in Changhua County - Generations are harmonious and students learn from each other

Taiwan is gradually moving towards a super-aging society. How to create an atmosphere of Qingyin University to strengthen exchanges between generations and promote mutual growth is indeed an important social driving force. In this school year's cross-disciplinary aesthetic project, the "Qingyin Learning Together" curriculum was designed. Creating Qingyin cooperation and interaction is a challenge. It is presented through dance performances and fully integrates art, technology, mathematics and Scout skills. The intertwining of green and silver dance steps not only allows the two generations to create beautiful memories together, but the beautiful scene of "green and silver learning together" also makes people feel the new possibilities of the learning model. Through art exhibitions as a medium, it is shown that every generation is the subject of learning, and every age group can become a sharer of experience transfer!

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