
Ludong Elementary School in Changhua County - Nanyin is a great decryptor

南管於2009 年入選UNESCO「世界非物質文化遺產」,也是彰化文化代表之一,而鹿港曾是極盛之地。文化局近年力推南北管,學校2 年前成立南管社,在政府補助下運作。音樂老師更是肩負教育使命,從研究論文至編寫材教,更要跨域社會、語文與社區,實踐在地文化傳承。時代洪流中,鹿港已不是羅大佑所描述的模樣,然而筆下的「廟裡膜拜的人們依然虔誠」見證了一如現在寺廟林立,香火鼎盛的鹿港。鹿港有三多「古蹟多、小吃多、工藝多」,超過兩百多座的廟宇,當中不乏古蹟建築,廟宇工藝嚴然就是藝術殿堂,人們的心靈寄托顯現在這宗教人文上。
The course integrates "three things" and focuses on the first temple dedicated to the god of drama in Taiwan, "Yuqu Palace". It will teach children about the local special music "Nanguan" and the entertainment Kanda Marshal and "God of Music"; Real-life decryption method, visit ancient temples, use carved beams and painted buildings to practice observing life scenes, the art class takes place in this decoding process; make the century-old taste of phoenix eye cake, practice being a little "god of food", travel through time and space, drink tea, Listen to Nanguan music and experience the leisure and entertainment life of our ancestors. The slow rhythm is like a little "fairy". Use ancient proverbs to unlock the daily lives of our ancestors, decipher myths and legends, explore gender equality issues through music, and understand the social background of each era. The faith of the girls in Lukang is not only about temples, but also about their home, hometown, and local culture. It is hoped that the Nanjing University of Science and Technology course will connect students' cooperation, connect field knowledge and life, connect emotions with the community, and connect the beauty of small town culture. Nanguan is music, opera, language, and history, and Nanguan is culture.

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