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Xinghua Elementary School, New Taipei City - Jiaolong Deshui

Xinghua Elementary School is located at the foot of Yangmingshan Mountain. In such an environment, it is often filled with smoke, adding a mysterious veil to the school. It is precisely because of the weather in Sanzhi that "water" may have many different roles in the hearts of Xinghua children. It may be the inconvenience on rainy days, it may be the irrigation for grandfather's rice planting, or it may be the inability of mother to cook soup. missing materials
Material, water is as important to human beings as oxygen. We want to start from the perspective of human health. Although the water we touch every day is colorless and odorless, we can distinguish many different substances in the water through scientific experiments. Some are good for health, while others are poisonous. How can scientists from the water company conduct experiments and tests to take care of everyone?
What about the health of the Chinese people? From this perspective, let children have a comprehensive understanding of water.

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