Beauty is very subjective, but there are principles of beauty that you can refer to. According to the art syllabus, in middle grades, we expect students to be able to discover and perceive visual elements in life, open their five senses to observe daily objects and works of art, and be able to explore visual elements and try them out. Various forms of media creation, among which "symmetry" and "repetition" are two basic creation principles of cross-regional species in nature, and are also the basic aesthetic principles that have been passed down for thousands of years in the development of civilizations around the world. Therefore, this course uses nature, daily objects, and cultural relics in the Palace Museum to allow students to verify the two principles of beauty, "symmetry" and "repetition," and explore them in different creative techniques such as calligraphy, hand-painting, paper-cutting, and digital creation. How to use "symmetry" and "repetition" to create, and then extend the created style to the objects that can be used in life, and become a little practitioner of "symmetry" and "repetition" of beauty.