Course plan library

Miaoli County Tongguang Elementary School─Maker Laboratory

Part one:
Because I came into contact with the Maker Project implemented by the Maker Base of Normal University, I used the FabLab-NKNU Arduino development version, using electronic parts, combined with printed objects, and used the building block software developed by the base using nano 3D Scratch, that is, With a small budget, students can easily access the world of programming and the Internet of Things. Since information education is also one of the key developments of the school, we combined information education and aesthetic education to participate in this project.
Instructions: Use the electronic components of the Internet of Things and let students observe which machines in life can operate with these components, and imagine what other applications they can use in addition to the projects to be carried out in class. The course does not focus on programming, but allows students to use imagination and observation to see how these simple electronic components are connected to common machines or equipment in life, and to make some operational structures.

Part 2:
As mentioned before, because information education is one of the key points of education, the school’s existing Sphero Bolt ball robot is used to allow students to understand mathematical geometry through games. (It can also be applied to the learning of physics Sphero and programming)
Description: Use Sphero Bolt's sensor, 8X8 LED matrix and spherical motion characteristics to learn animation/geometry/physics/light color changes. You can also use the building block program to teach mathematics. Since Sphero Bolt itself is very cute, the operating mechanical structure can be clearly seen in the transparent shell. If combined with hand-made, it can also develop aesthetic creations (such as light and shadow changes/random graffiti), or hand-made toys for various game competitions.

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