53 Lai Afu

Lai Afu

Professor, Department of Information Science, Taipei City University "Learning, Experience" PhD, Institute of Information Science and Engineering, National Chiao Tung University "Research Expertise" E-learning, information education, programming language, computer-assisted testing
52 Xiao Baoling

Xiao Baoling

Professor and Department Chair of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education "Learning, Experience" Doctorate in Art Education, Texas Tech University, USA "Research Expertise" Illustration, computer graphics, graphic design, art course design "Research Fields" Children's picture book creation, general art education , cross-disciplinary art education
51 Zheng Yuqing

Zheng Yuqing

 臺北市立大學教育學系教授  臺北市立大學副校長 《學、經歷》國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所博士 《研究專長》教育史、教育理論基礎、教育社會學、課程與教學、師資培育
49 Cai Juze

Cai Juze

 國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系副教授兼系主任 《學、經歷》美國印第安那大學遊憩資源管理與觀光研究所休閒行為哲學博士 《研究專長》戶外探索教育、 戶外環境教育 、童軍教育 、綜合活動 、課程設 […]
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