08 Yu Zhaowen

Yu Zhaowen

Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Pingtung University "Learning and Experience" Doctorate of the Institute of Chinese Studies, National Cheng Kung University "Research Expertise" Taiwanese literature, modern novels, modern prose, novel theory and techniques
10 Wu Dairong

Wu Dairong

Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Arts and Humanities Education, National Taipei University of the Arts "Learning, Experience" Doctoral degree in art education and women's studies, Pennsylvania State University, USA "Research expertise" Visual arts education, feminist pedagogy, museology
07Yu Jiyin

Yu Jiyin

Associate Professor, Department of Art and Design, National Tsing Hua University "Learning, Experience" Ph.D. in Art and Art Education, Columbia University, USA
06He Yuzhen

He Yuzhen

 國立臺東大學音樂系副教授 《學、經歷》國立臺灣師範大學音樂教育博士 《研究專長》音樂教育心理學、美感教育專題研究、多元文化音樂教學法、音樂課程發展與設計、當代音樂教育趨勢探討、奧福教學法、達克羅茲教 […]
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