Qiu Xiujuan

Qiu Xiujuan

Associate Professor, Department of Beauty and Fashion Design, College of Management and Health, "Learning and Experience" Doctorate, Institute of Science and Technology Application and Human Resources Development, National Taiwan Normal University "Research Expertise" Beauty health care, natural medicine, Spa human resource development, design
Peng Qinghuai

Peng Qinghuai

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Distribution Management, St. John's University of Science and Technology "Learning and Experience" Doctorate, Institute of Business Administration, National Central University "Research Expertise" Marketing and Distribution Management
Xu Xiuju

Xu Xiuju

國立東華大學藝術創意產業學系教授兼藝術學院院長 《學、經歷》 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校(UIUC)藝術教育博士 《研究專長》 文化產業與創意教學、藝術課程與評量、藝術師資培育、插畫藝術、繪本創作與教學、 […]
Xu Shujuan

Xu Shujuan

Professor, Department of Geography, National Kaohsiung Normal University "Learning, Experience" Doctorate, Institute of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University "Research Expertise" Geography, Society
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