02Qiu Yongfu

Qiu Yongfu

Project Professor at the Institute of Cultural and Creative Design, Oriental Institute of Design (Retired) "Learning and Experience" Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University "Research Expertise" Video Communication Design Practice, Design Thinking, Design Strategy Planning and Management
03 Tian Xiulan

Tian Xiulan

國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教授 國立臺灣師範大學副學務長   《學、經歷》 美國愛荷華大學諮商員教育哲學博士 《研究專長》 生涯諮商、諮商實習訓練及督導、諮商心理學研究法、夢工作研究

Li Jintan

Professor and Department Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Quemoy University "Research Expertise" Single-chip control and embedded system applications, robot creative design, intelligent computing, power system control and operation
04 Zhang Yongda

Zhang Yongda

 Professor of the Department of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University "Learning and Experience" PhD in Botany, University of Vienna, Austria "Research Expertise" Ecology, Plant Physiology, Biological Education, Biomicroscopy
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