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[Course Highlights] Taoyuan City Dazhong Elementary School──Flowers appear in the pond fan drama

[Performing Arts︸Chinese Literature The ponds are silted up and the beautiful scenery is no longer there. Therefore, the curriculum of Dazhong Elementary School hopes to strengthen thinking about the possibility of sustainable development of Bitang water culture, remember the efforts of our ancestors who worked hard for their homeland, and inherit the intention of working together for common prosperity, so that children can learn from the past and learn from the present, and develop Cultural and creative products can awaken the public to pay attention to the sustainable management of water resources and allow the ancestors' love for their hometown to be passed down forever. Our school makes good use of the important topic of "outdoor education" as a precursor to the curriculum module. The value of outdoor education is clearly described in the issue integration instruction manual published by the Chinese Academy of Education: "Outdoor education provides real-life experience, creates meaningful learning opportunities, arouses the desire and joy of learning, and enhances the pursuit of truth, friendliness, and beauty. Diversified learning. "Dazhong Elementary School has long focused on aesthetic exploration courses and also uses outdoor education as an important learning strategy to stimulate students' five senses. However, it would be a shame if outdoor education programs existed as single, a la carte offerings. How to encourage students to think deeply about what they saw and heard after outdoor teaching? This definitely requires cross-field courses to achieve the goal. "External teachers create good fortune, and internal sources of inspiration" is Zhang Hong's discussion of painting creation and aesthetics in Zhang Yanyuan's "Records of Famous Paintings of the Past Dynasties" of the Tang Dynasty. It is also the spiritual program of traditional Chinese painting. This proposition is also suitable for outdoor education issues. When students are taught outdoors, they are involved in the knowledge systems of different disciplines, which will give students multiple opportunities to think about phenomena. We hope that when students experience the outdoors, they will not only retain simple five-sense feelings, but also combine them with existing knowledge systems to obtain the effect of learning transfer. The Bitang outdoor visit course is included in the revised aesthetic inquiry course of the school's 12-year national education, and has a stable number of teaching hours. Since its trial launch in the 108th academic year, it has developed in the past four years and established a stable exploration model. Our development model is as follows. The first part of the course is "Exploring Bitang": we first use outdoor exploration courses to open up students' five senses and understand the historical context of the development of Bitang. The second part is "Cultural and Creative Bitang": using the cultural and creative image of Bitang and peers to develop local cultural and creative products through design thinking. The third part is "Promoting Bitang": using performing arts to promote Bitang's cultural and creative products, and sharing Bitang's cultural and creative products with disadvantaged social welfare units in the community. This semester’s aesthetic exploration course starts from Pitang. After actually visiting the pond and creating jelly flowers, students were guided to create a traditional opera fan performance based on the Mandarin Yuan song "Intoxicated with the East Wind" Mandarin ninth grade text. The course allows students to understand the role of fans in traditional opera and cross talk: first, to refer to things, second, to simulate objects, and third, to fan the wind. And use games to allow children to create action materials that can be used for performances in the future. Finally, combined with the photos of outdoor teaching, students were allowed to create on their own tablets using the Capcut app, synthesize their own performance images and pond scenery, present an exquisite performance skit, and share it on the Internet. We hope that this course will demonstrate the spirit of transcending beauty, allowing children to experience beauty in their lives through multi-sensory experiences!


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