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【課程精華】臺北市啓聰學校─北聰遊藝思 實境篇(學生心得)


This course hopes to continue the issues such as the history of Beicong and the identity of hearing-impaired students that we have learned in the 108th school year, and combine students' creativity to create a real-life game for our school. Since the participating students have changed, the students who participated in the first year have reached the third year of high school and have certain expressive skills and maturity, and the new high school students are relatively unfamiliar with the campus and the history of Beicong. Through this course, the teachers also expect the students to interact with each other. They can guide each other and inherit the spirit of Beicong.

First, review the Dadaocheng game experience that students participated in before and the real-life game content that teachers visited Daxi on their own, so that students can have a clearer understanding of the game process and purpose. Then guide students to try to solve puzzles related to Chinese, mathematics, and images, and summarize the common elements, symbols, and patterns of puzzles. For the Chinese and Mathematics subjects, template puzzles containing subject knowledge (Chinese and Mathematics question types) are selected so that students can practice modifying the puzzles, and during the process of modification, they can also make use of subject knowledge and understand different learning styles.

After completing the puzzle exercises, the task of designing the Beicong real-life game begins. It is expected that students can work in groups to design a real-life game in the school based on the content learned in the previous course. puzzle. Finally, students are guided to create Beicong's real-life game story and connect the game storylines between levels. It is expected to improve students' ability to generalize, logic and organize articles.


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