
[Course Highlights] Tainan City Provincial Gong Elementary School─A journey of writing about emotions

長期在儒家思想體系下成長的我們,以和為貴成了整個社會價值的主軸,「生氣」、「憤怒」、「悲傷」…等負向情緒語詞成了不被認可的表達方式,但生命的出口並不因為不認可而不存在,反而因為不敢看見的壓抑,導致這些 […]

[Course Highlights] Tainan City Heshun Junior High School─"Sound" comes to Malala to see hope

This cross-disciplinary aesthetic course is based on sound and supplemented by sound effects. By analyzing the characteristics of text characters, English is used as the language of expression, and audiobook creation activities are used to strengthen emotional expression and assist and deepen learning content. Students start from personal independent action learning and cultivate aesthetic literacy through communication and interaction with others. […]

[Course Highlights] Taichung City Tanyang Elementary School─Cross-border aesthetics and cultural revitalization of Damyang Monster Village

Community cultural resources can provide rich teaching materials for aesthetic education. The "culture" that originally existed around life can be "inherited" and re-given "vitality" through the trajectory of history through "teaching". Based on community cultural resources, we construct a series of integrated teaching designs for aesthetic education, and use intuitive teaching to […]

[Course Highlights] Tainan City Madou Elementary School─History is all around me

This unit combines art, photography, social humanities, mathematics, and computer courses to provide cross-field courses. Through teachers’ collaborative teaching and group learning, the courses are made more diverse and coherent. The concept of curriculum design is to cultivate children to take things with them. The ability can be acquired through the use of multi-dimensional learning after the child has acquired aesthetic literacy. […]
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