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#精選跨領域美感教育課程訪談 「最一開始,我發現我的小孩對家鄉是沒有感覺的。你問他汐止有什麼?他告訴你只剩下淹水。」 󠀠 新北市青山國中小表演藝術教師張晨昕老師表示,若學生對生活周遭環境沒有感覺的話, […]

[Total Project Results] 2022 Taiwan Cross-Domain Aesthetic Education International Forum—Overview of Taiwan’s Aesthetic Education

What is aesthetic education doing? What role can it play? What is the face of aesthetic education in Taiwan? In this video, Wu Xiaoxia, Director of the Department of Teacher Training and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, talks about the concepts and opinions of the "Medium and Long-term Plan for Aesthetic Education"; Zhao […]

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